Embroidery and Needlepoint Appraisal Services

Every piece of needlework is a treasure...old or new, small or large, simple or complex.
Every piece of needlework is a treasure...old or new, small or large, simple or complex.
An appraisal is the process of developing an opinion of value. In other words, determining how much your needlework is worth by an appraiser in an independent, impartial and objective manner.
I appraise most types of antique, vintage, and contemporary embroidery created with a threaded needle, such as needlepoint, cross stitch, white work, drawn thread, petit point, blackwork, crewel, and more.
Whether purchased, inherited or made by you, there are many reasons to have needlework appraised. The most common include determining value for insurance purposes, donations, buying or selling needlepoint or embroidery, and replacement cost of damaged, lost or stolen items.
There are several different types of appraisal reports. After we speak, I will determine which one best suits your needs. Then, an inspection of the needlework is made, preferably in person. The needlework will be researched to determine its value. Some reports include information about the history of the specific type of needlepoint or embroidery. A written appraisal report, usually including photographs, will be presented to you with the value of your needlepoint or embroidery as well as the factors that determined the value of your piece.
The cost of an appraisal varies based on the amount of work required. All fees are presented up front on a printed rate sheet with the service contract. Appraisal fees are never contingent on, or a percentage of, the final appraisal value.
Cindy is Certified as a Senior Master Needleart Appraiser by The American Needlepoint Guild (ANG), is a member of the National Association of Appraisers, and is USPAP compliant. She has served as the Chairman of ANG's NeedleArts Appraisal Program. Cindy is also Certified as a Needlework Judge by The Embroiderers' Guild of America, Inc. (EGA), and is an EGA Master Craftsman in Counted Thread.
Cindy has extensive training and personal expertise in numerous handmade needlework techniques. Training for these programs ensures that you will be working with someone who has an experienced eye and who performs thorough research to provide you with a complete and accurate personalized assessment of your handmade needlework.